Photograph by Kimberly Stevenson
A Gift in Your Will

Your gift in your will secures the future of trumpeter swans.
Photograph by Kimberly Stevenson
With a gift in your will, you can support a cause that has been important in your life. You can make a lasting impact on the future of what you value today.
If you decide to make a gift to TTSS in your will, you should discuss it with your attorney since there are several types of bequests. You can also make your will, for free, at
If you have questions or want to discuss this more, contact Margaret Smith (Executive Director) at or call her at 715-441-1994.
We hope you will let us know if you have included TTSS in your will so that we can recognize you as a member of "The Trumpeter Swan Legacy Supporters". If you prefer to remain anonymous, your gift will be kept confidential, but recognition of your gift can encourage others to do the same. Your preference will be honored. We deeply appreciate your support.
Sample bequest language
"I hereby give, devise and bequeath to The Trumpeter Swan Society, a Minnesota non-profit corporation with its principal office at 12615 Rockford Road, Plymouth, MN 55441-1248, the sum of ___________________(or a specific asset / or # of shares, or % of estate) to be used for its unrestricted use and purpose."
The Society's federal tax-identification (EIN) number is 23-7220654.
You can stipulate a gift of a specific dollar amount, or property such as stock, to be donated to The Trumpeter Swan Society (TTSS), or you can select a percentage of the value of your estate be given.
Or consider leaving TTSS any residual value of your estate after giving to other named recipients.
You can also name The Trumpeter Swan Society as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy and secure the long term future of Trumpeter Swans.
Consider naming The Trumpeter Swan Society as a beneficiary of your IRA or pension plan.
Retirement plans may be subject to estate taxes after death and income tax as the funds are received by a beneficiary, diminishing the ultimate value of the account. By naming The Trumpeter Swan Society as a beneficiary, both of these taxes may be avoided, allowing you to leave your family other assets, which may incur less tax liability.